Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play (Playing the Game: 4 Quarters of Submission)
By: Lorraine Loveit
Published: February 28, 2014
Click Picture To Order:
What happens when a first-time dominant and submissive come together?
The answer is a great deal of heartache. This is not a romance; it’s a story about one person’s need to control and dominate

Brendon is an AFL footballer who advertises on the internet for a submissive. Suzie, a secretary at Homicide Squad, is curious and answers his ad.

Theirs is a story plagued with anguish and subjugation, as they each struggle to find themselves; from the thrills of power play to the depths of self-degradation. They are both inexperienced in the roles they play and as this tragic relationship develops, Brendon and Suzie each realise they want more.

Will Suzie get the respect she deserves and will Brendon finally admit how important she has become?

This standalone novel is part of the Playing the Game: 4 Quarters of Submission series.

"He forced my lips apart and as he thrust his tongue deep, I vaguely wondered how it would feel between my legs. The power of his savage assault momentarily stunned me, before I was caught up in the passionate embrace and returned his deep, mind-blowing kiss. I had never experienced a kiss like that before. In fact, kiss was too mild a word for what we were doing.

I felt light headed and questioned how long I could go without breathing. Brendon must have also reached his limit, as he soon broke contact and hauled in a ragged breath. I stared into his eyes and noticed their colour had changed to a darker blue, almost like the ocean.

I had enough time to take another breath before he claimed my mouth once more. I knew my lips would be bruised and swollen but I didn’t care. I wanted to savour whatever attention he chose to give me.

Eventually he relented and resting his forehead against mine, closed his eyes as he took another breath. My own breathing was shallow and rapid, like I had been running. On opening his eyes he held my gaze for a long moment, as though he was contemplating his next move."

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